Website Proposal, Presentation, Evaluation
Own Site - Proposal
The type of website I would primarily like to produce, would probably be an information site where news and facts about stuff can be uploaded every so often.
As well for having the information type set for my site, I would include aspects of personal/blog into my website so I and others can have there own opinions based upon a specific fact or piece of information on the website.
Getting ideas from, I would consider, for my informations site, having a red border or section header background and white background. So red and white as they look distinctive and it will be clear and easy to read information once on the website.
The style will be appropriate for the website’s purpose as the colours are contrastic/ easy to read text of like information or an opinion from a blog.
The website will be very simple. This is because if the website is simple it will be very easy and clearer to read than other sites such as amazon, which had products displayed everywhere on the shopping website.
The menu will be at the top of the webpage of the home page and all others so it is easy to see and so the user can navigate around the website easily.
Here at the top of the website you can see that over to the right it looks quite cluttered and a lot in one place at a time. Whereas I would have just a navigation panel/menu and any other relevant information needed there.
The colours I will use are going to be red and white as I mentioned in the second paragraph. This is because they are clear colours and if used well will bring a fresh kind of look upon the website when browsing or looking for information on it.
The text will be very clear. It will be all in a basic font, Arial, Calibri, etc or the more creative clear fonts below. This is with exception from the overall websites heading name/ logo. The colour of the text will differ depending on what colour the background is, despite this, it will be easy to read as the colours will suit the colour of the background nicely.
After doing some research on font, and font types, I went on the website and browsed through multiple fonts I could include in my website. I want it quite simple like I stated above, however, I do not want to go too basic as I want the site to look quite modern at the same time. So after I searched the fonts on I see these fonts which I though would appeal to my website once built.
Font 1
This font looks quite simple, a curved Arial font nearly, but it is basic and the font will be displayed on the text and content. This font will look good on a white background exploring a range of information to go with it.
Font 2
This font above, if was filled in total black would be very basic to look at, however, it is lined, this brings the sense on a basic font mix with a modern touch that would look great for a header or main title.
Font 3
This font above is slightly off what I would be looking for, but the style of the writing is simple and very clear, the fact that it has pencil marked style in the letters brings a modern and creative effect on the user when visiting the website. This lettering and font would look good on a main title or a page header for example.
For the menu, which the background will be red I will use white text. I will continue to use white text on all red backgrounds and colours so it is clear to see and looks very distinctive.
For the main headers, and most of the website’s background will be white so I will use plain black text. I will continue to use black text on all white backgrounds and colours so it is clear to see and looks very distinctive.
The content, of which I will be using on my website will be a range of writing, facts and media. I will add images of which are going to be relevant to the subject of which I will add according to the content of the information. Text obviously will be included on the website as the site will be mainly focussed on the information that users can pull of the page.
I will use content such as images and text so the user or person viewing the website knows what the product or thing I write about is in the style of using an image to represent this and also I am using text as it is handy to navigate using text and the information will have on it many sections of fair text, so not too much that you will get bored of the content.
The navigation will work be selecting a page using the menu at the top of the webpage. Once selected it should take hardly no to to link to that page. The navigation will work sufficiently making sure none of the website links end up going to dead ends or do not work.
The site map will be easy to follow. You will be able to go to one page and back and to another. I will have a main home page that loads up when the website is searched on. Then I will have two or three separate pages that takes the user elsewhere on the website. The link will be sure to work and take the user to the appropriate page selected. This will aid the user’s experience on the website as a user is more likely to leave the website if they cannot get onto information and links are broken and do not work.
I personally do not wish to include elements of sharing such as social media or gaming. However, in the future at a later point I might consider using other elements and different content on the website when it becomes necessary.
New information or blog updates will be fresh in terms of their content every so often. This encourages users to return to the website once more is uploaded so they can see what else there is in the content of the website. I will use label so the user can click on these and either go to a new webpage or a place dedicated to a specific subject on the website.
My target audience will be those of thirteen plus, and or around my age and older. But ultimately it will be targeted to those with a similar interest of the information that will be upload to the content of the website. The gender I will not specify as there will be both male and female who will possibly have the same interest of visiting the website.
Below - A Drawing of what I my website might look like
Design Idea
Zoom in to get a better View.
Josh Brinkley-Ripper
Firstly I went onto and signed in, then I selected create site and then selected the template I wanted for my site.
Once the template loaded I put in what background I would like which was an orange one.
Next I Put in a navigation bar menu and added several pages I was going to need.
I added the name/ logo for my website and changes the style of font I wanted it to be.
I edited the bottom bar which has the e-mail and contact information in so on each page it would come up with my details.
The first page I developed was the home page.
I used a gallery from which I added to display some images that were related to the work I have done for media.
I also used an slideshow bar/ banner that once clicked on would take you to the audio page once completed.The second page I edited was the college page. I added five arrow buttons that once they were pressed it would take you to that specific page on the website.To add to the buttons I used an image beside each arrow informing people what it was they were clicking on.I added a note to tell the user what to do, for example to press on the page they would want to browse.The third page I edited was the film page which is a subpage from the college page. For this I Used a couple of boxes with text saying what the videos below which I added were.I used a box and link at they bottom that takes the user to the youtube page to see my product review which is related to film.The fourth page I edited was the animation page which is a subpage from the college page. For this like the film page I Used a couple of boxes with text saying what the videos below was.I added a small description I the boxes below the videos saying what it is they were watching.The fifth page I edited was the audio page which is a subpage from the college page. For this I have written a welcome to audio on the page.It doesn’t look like much, however, it has my radio advert I produced on adobe audition on it.The sixth page I edited was the youtube page which is a subpage from the college page. For this I have included my one video under the labelled box.Above the second box I added my youtube banner which I had create do photoshop.The seventh page I edited was the photography page which is a subpage from the college page. For this I have included a gallery of positive and negative pages that I produced with a pinhole camera.The eight page was the personal page. As I have nothing yet to show on the personal page I just put a large banner saying ‘ coming soon’ on it.The ninth page was the contact page. I included my name college e-mail and a map of the college from google maps.To create the boxes that look like they are held up by sellotape I pressed on the little + icon over on the left that when hovered over says add and scrolled down to box where you could select the style box you wanted.Similar to boxes, the same process to create a button except you scroll down to button and choose what style button you want to add.As for text, again + then to text and then you select the type of heading of text you want to place on the website pages.Galleries and banners are the same just scrolling down to its specified properties and selecting the kind of gallery and banner you wanted.To add videos and images, slightly different I scrolled down and pressed on vid/im and pressed upload where I could drag or browse for the videos and images I wanted to upload onto my website.