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Website Inspiration Research 1

I have looked throughout a range of websites that will later help me consider the layout and colour schemes etc that I may want to use for my website during production. A website I feel will help me with my research is the Adobe website. The layout of this website is quite creative as it is simple and easy to get around which makes it the ideal website to gather information should we need it easily.

The type of website Adobe is, is information and a e-commerce. This is because it has a range of informative text on most of its pages as well as selling its products online such as Premiere Pro and Photoshop etc.

The use of colours are a white background and grey banners and text. They work well with each other and do not clash which makes the text clearer to read. Having the text clear makes the website look much more professional which I like because a new individual searching through Adobe will be able to see what is what and not mistake anything.

The website navigates well, none of the links on the menu result in cul-de-sacs and all takes you to the specified pages. Despite having a clearly laid out menu, it has menu’s within menus which make it a little bit more complicated to navigate, however, once a page has been clicked on it does take you to the specified page.

On the contact page there are social links to Adobe’s Facebook and Twitter page which work well once pressed on as it takes them to their social media pages, it would have been more useful if they were on the home page though this is so people can contact them better if needed to.

Adobe has a selection of fresh content coming in every so often at least once a month on their Newsroom page, these include facts and latest news on their products and plans for the future and statistical information.

Having this new content uploaded all the time draws those interested in Adobe’s products wanting to know what’s happening that would get people going back to obtain the latest info in this area.

After loading up the Adobe website on both Google Chrome and Safari the layout of the pages were identical and both worked properly displaying the same content on the different search engines.

They have a contact page which is helpful as it has contacts forms, their email and social media links as well to be able to contact them in various different ways to ensure that the contact is possible.

Adobe pageranks well coming up the first selection when searched on Google, just typing adobe only comes up with the page straight away with is being the top answer.

The top few things I like about this website are the colour schemes as they contrast each other well particularly when it comes to reading the text and looking at the backgrounds. Another aspect of the website I feel that is good is the range of content on the pages and images that go with each piece of information as they help show what the subject is about much more effectively that just a straight piece of text in a centre of the page with no image to attract those on the website.

One of the things I most definitely change about the website is the menu, this is because the menu is not as clear as it could be and if it were laid out a tad better it would be able to get customers around the entire website quicker and would also look much more professional with page links in the menu rather that a menu within a menu with various of things to select.

This research will be able to help with my FMP as I will now be able to know what website traits to follow such as the colour scheme of Adobe’s website and the layout of their pages, plus I will be able to know how not to lay out a menu and ensure that it is clearer so that people can navigate throughout my own site much easier than others.

My Slide with Adobe screenshots and ideas are here



I have looked throughout a range of websites that will later help me consider the layout and colour schemes etc that I may want to use for my website during production.

A website I feel will help me with my research is the Cadbury website. The layout of this website is a little packed with information, however, the menu, logo and buttons on the page are clear.

The type of website that Cadbury is, is a ecommerce and information website. This type of website is good as it offers a range of information for each of their products and an about section exploring the company's journey through the years. The colour scheme used is mainly purple and white. They work alright together although they could be better, however, they do not clash with the text or the background of the page. Because of this the colours used are convenient for the site to use as it uses the same colour scheme as it’s products and it also works well with the text.

Cadbury is easily navigated and menu headers are headed very well and clear. When the pages are pressed upon within the menu they navigate to the specified pages and none of them conclude with any cul-de-sacs. The Cadbury website also have social media links, which users can get to their other pages which are most probably updates more regularly than their website is. These links work once pressed and do take you to where they are supposed to such as Facebook etc.

Despite having few menu headers on the actual menu, there is a lot of new content available updates on a regularly basis. Due to having the wide range of fresh content available frequently this would get them coming back to browse the website for that reason and because customers would want to see if the company has any new products available for them.

Using different browsers, Google Chrome and Safari, the page looked exactly identical. The contacts page is clearly labelled and can easily be contacted via email and phone. The top few things I really find inspirational on the site are firstly the about section, because it explores the story behind Cadbury, such as when it was established and when it break through into the well known brand it is today. Also it uses a submenu to navigate throughout the years of story of which could help me on my FMP as I am create somewhat of a story and will need a menu similar to this.

Another thing I liked was the use of colours, as it does work very well with the text having white text on a purple background because it is easy to read and draws you to read on more about the website.

Despite the website having a really good colour scheme and info, the one thing I’d probably like to change is the layout, this is because it is a bit busy and too much information on one page can be a little confusing and an eyesore which could prevent people from coming back onto the website.

By completing another website analysis and having researched them I have a stronger knowledge of the various types of website and layout/schemes use to make them feel and look effective therefore helping my FMP during and after production.

Link to my slide with brief details and the website itself is here


Colour Schemes Research

I am doing some research on colour schemes to identify what colours work well and that I should use when it comes to building my website on Also by doing so will be able to build the site knowing what colours work best considering the text and layout on a website.

The kind of colours I would like are a light brown colour. I’d like this colour because it is a bold colour which doesn’t have no flashy side to it that would potentially seem a bit boring to some. Despite this, if this colour is used that means more attention would be on the photography of the website because there will be more appeal to that other than a brown colour.

Another colour that would complement the light brown is a cream scheme. This I as well would like to use as it is soft in a sense where I hear cream and feel relaxed because I associate good things with the colour.

Cream would be ideal for the text on a brown banner or background as it would be easy to read providing the fonts suitable for the colour too, therefore by using these in my colour scheme others will hopefully find the scheme works well on a website.

Another set of colours I believe would work well together are light blue and light pink. They aren’t the typical colours on a photography website, however, they do work well to bring a light and funny side to the images and make reflecting on older images more cheery and nostalgic.

A website that follows the brown scheme is Galaxy Chocolate at and another website that follows the blue and pink scheme which inspires me is Baskin Robbins at

By identifying the sort of colours I would want to use to help me with the design of my website I can use these colours to help me along the production stage of my FMP.

Link to Slides


Dear Photograph Research

For another piece of research based on the Photographic side of my project, I browsed the ‘Dear Photograph’ website for examples of how I could relate my images for the FMP back to the past.

The ‘Dear Photograph’ website is a site where hundreds of people submit their photos of this particular style and share them with the world. The style these photographs are taken in, takes a person holding an image from the past eg, Felixstowe Pier from the 50’s and in the same spot years later they hold it in front of the camera to take a picture of it again, with the current scene around the old image.

What I think is good about how this style of photography is taken and produced is that it is a unique way to capture a nostalgic moment from the past and connect it in creative way to capture the present as well.

When people do photography like this it is really interesting to see how much a specific location has changed by reflecting back on the original image from that of the one taken from this moment in time.

Another reason I think why this is a good way to create a piece of photography is because not only does one take an image in front of an image from their past, they get to visit that same location where that kick of nostalgia really takes place.

A nostalgic moment for me is when I am in Hemsby, this is because it reminds me every time I go there of past holidays and happy moments my family and I have had there.

The thought of this photography and nostalgia comes together nicely as I could potentially go visit Hemsby with an image from past holidays there and use this style to reflect on what it use to look like years ago to what it is now.

The ‘Dear Photograph’ website has been extremely useful for a piece of research. This is because I will be able to take this method of capturing the past in the present and use this to create an image for a year dedicated for my Photographic Timeline which I want to produce.

Therefore this will show that my research was worth doing due to getting tips on how to complete bits of photo to help during production when I come to take the images for my nostalgia website I will create later on for my FMP.

Overall, I believe that having researched ‘Dear Photograph’ and seeing other people's past to present images is very inspiring. Solely because of it’s effectiveness it has but also the creativity involved in doing this style of photography.

It is the connection between photography and nostalgia that is the main reason that I am interested in when it comes to looking through the website. This is as the theme for my final major project is ‘nostalgia’ and by using this research in production I will have a very strong image and take on how and what nostalgia is and the method for photography that I have taken from researching Dear Photography.

Link to ‘Dear Photograph’ Slides with examples of this here


Amateur Photographers Magazine Research 4th March 2017 Edition

In the magazine I have researched and looked through the images and descriptions to the images. I have not researched the magazine itself just the content within it that could help my research and hopefully myself in post and production later on in the FMP.

Amateur Photographer is a monthly information magazine which includes a selection of photographs taken by various photographers and a range of hints and tips to to show how to improve you camera skills. It also shows projects that photographers have completed with a bio of how they created it and what they do to create it.

They have the Amateur Photographers Magazine for other photographers and those interested for photography, it can help inspire those interested as the quality of some of the photographs in there really drawers your attention to it and wanting to know more about how to do a specific shot or something.

The interesting thing about the magazine is that it isn’t just a selection of photos taken by a load of random people, they have tips on improvement photographer advertisements for photo schools and a lot of information based on the photography part of media.

In the March 17 edition which I read, there was a section about taking portraits of pets, within this part of the magazine it goes on showing how ‘the further away the subject/pet from the background the more blur you’ll achieve to make them stand out’. I can use this piece of information to help with my photography skills. I’d use this skill probably to take the images of objects on so I can sharpen the photo and get a better shot of what I want to take for my project.

In the magazine there are a few examples of photography I would like to take and try and use in my own work, on the opening page an advertisement for Nikon School creative spells out using images of objects ‘Nikon School’ with the ‘O’ being the London Underground sign. This I’d like to do to spell out ‘Nostalgia’ and use this as my title for my Wix Website. Another image in the magazine is of a bridge, i’m interested in the type of shot and the effect the shot gives the bridge.

The Nikon School Images interest me as they are all good quality pictures yet they spell out a word in a unique way which I would like to consider creating a title similar for that for my FMP, as well for the bridge image I would want to create for one of my nostalgic posters preferably the old railway bridge in Woodbridge.

I could include some of these in my final major project, I would spell out the title with images and use this for the website I am to create for my idea.

I think Amateur Photographer is a good source of information as not only does it have written instructions of how to do a specific thing there is also pictures that are displayed and interest myself to want to create something like this by myself.

My likes from this source are the actual photographs inside the magazine. The photos are taken and edited very well.This source was really resourceful. I can take a lot of information and tips away with me.

Specific resources I learned were how to take portraits for example I learned to get low down or height level with the subject and ensuring I have as much space as possible to work in so it is not distractive to my project.

A change I may possibly make to my FMP is to take my portraits according to how the source suggested to take it. The resource has not encouraged me to tweak or change my initial idea for FMP though.

Overall the Amateur Photographer research has helped me because I can now walk away with a wide range of different information and techniques to get my by my final major project. Production will be the area that this research will help me cover, this is because of all the photos and skill/techniques the magazine has to offer, therefore I should be able to take images in better quality angles and scene.

My Amateur Photographer Google Slides Idea Moodboard page is here


Photographer Research

A photographer I am researching is Joss Barratt. He is an english photographer who specialises in still photography. His photography often ends up on DVD covers and magazines as well as on his personal website. For my last project, when I created a film poster, this photographer came in to talk to the class and help us out developing out skills on Photoshop. This is a piece of his photography from the range of images he has created.

I like how his stills all come together featuring all the cast members of Downton Abbey. This is because all his stills feature on the DVD cover but also it shows that a range of different photography can all come together to create one astonishing piece of work. From researching on Joss’ photography I can take stills into consideration when I come to taking portrait photographs and use his work as inspiration for this. This will come in useful when I actually take the images during production and I will do so by ensuring that I reflect back on his work to encourage me of what potentially could be completed.

Another photographer I have researched to help me through my project is Joe Cornish. He is another British photographer from Exeter in Devon. His photography generally ends up for sale on the Joe Cornish Gallery website at He focusses on landscape photography and takes many images of fields. A couple of his images are below both a beach and an image of a field landscape.

What I like about his photography is how he has taken the left image at sunset. This is because the sun reflects on the wet sand which kind of makes it glow for the rocks look like silhouettes, this effect I like as it captures this landscape at that time in a very effective way. The second image I find intriguing as I like how the smoke is the main attraction to the photo yet the snowy scenery also gives of that cool wintery feeling where you can imagine actually being there in that location as his photography allows you to feel this way. By research Joe’s work I can use time right, such as if I wish to take a sunset image get to the location at around a 7.30pm time to capture the image at the best time so my images look much better.

The final photographer I’m to research is Jason Belle. He is another photographer that mainly focuses on portraits, however, e does complete quite a it of landscape photography likewise. The type of photography he does is his portraits and photography such as stars from hit tv series. An example of their work is below where Jason has captured an image of Benedict Cumberbatch most probably for use for Sherlock. Also the other image is of Tilda Swinton of which may be used on a profile for her or something similar.

What I like about his photography is that the stars are in kind of eerie locations. I like this as it captures them in role of someone and portrays his people in a unique way in his work. From researching on his style of photography I will be able to set a location to where my portraits could possibly be taken instead of in front of a screen of at a home location when it comes to the images of individuals I will take later on on my project.

Overall the photographer research has been useful as I can go back to who I have looked at and gain more inspiration towards my project as I can go out taken images similar to the stills/portraits and landscapes that I’ve research upon above. By completing this research I have a much stronger chance of getting better grades for my project as I now have a better understanding of the different types and effects that pieces of photography can have.

Link to photographer research slides here



To help me with the photographic side of my final major project I have decide to look at a few posters to get inspiration from the shots and of the way they have been laid out. The first poster I have chosen to research upon is a The Beatles one. It is a poster of all four members of the Beatles and it’s purpose was to attract their fan audience and promotes their songs/albums. The shot of the poster is a long shot, this shot I think is very effective as it has them casually walking along a path and the image is black and white. I’d like to believe that this shot was used as it kind of represents the individual's personality walking and because it is trying to gather and increase the amount of people listening to their songs etc. When I first looked at this poster the first thing that attracted me to it was the colours used. This probably attracted me the most because it’s black and white therefore gives it a more professional and interesting look. The whole poster goes well considering the layout and the text used, the text doesn’t really clash with the colours nor the image of the Beatles of which the poster advertises as the black bold text lies on a white background making the text easy to read. Having thoroughly researched this poster I can use this to relate to my nostalgia project as I will be able to put to mind the colours used to create either an old or effect so that one or more of my posters can relate to the research I have done.

Another poster I have chose to research to help with my FMP is this shot of the ‘Private Road with Clouds. It is a poster of a landscape with a gate going through to some fields along with clouds in the sky and it’s purpose I reckon is to just capture the moment of the scenery in a creative way. They’ve like the Beatles used black and white, however unlike the other, it reflects a calm state of mind where the poster gives of a relaxful feeling upon seeing it. The shot of the poster is a wide shot, this shot is used to a very high standard as it captures a perfect moment to go back to look at and remind you of a good moment in the past, like nostalgia. I like to think that this shot was used as it captures more that just one specific part of the image such as a section of the gate and because having a wide shot it can give people more of an idea of what this poster intends to do. When I looked firstly at this poster the first thing that attracted me to it was the text, this is because for my posters I would like to add a few bits of text like ‘2000’ for example so that people recognise where the image is suppose to reflect and why it was taken in a certain way or style. The whole poster goes well as the layout and the text used go well with each other, the text doesn’t really clash with the colours nor the image of the landscape as they are separated and well easy to read. Having thoroughly researched this poster I can use this to relate to my nostalgia project as I will be able to take both this and the other posters style into consideration so that means using a black and white colour effect on one of my posters so it can show the evidence that my research has inspired me to add to my idea for my final major project.

Link to Slides of Poster Research


Text and Fonts Research

For my Website and posters I want to get the most suited and professional looking text as possible. This is because it will make the website look much better and formal and the posters more effective. The fonts I want to keep quite simple with a little bit of style and both the web and posters fonts I am going to want to be the same or very similar to each other. I will use the basic fonts on Google Docs to explore the range of simple text styles available to me plus for additional styles I am going to use to research more of a variety of fonts that I could use later during the production of my Website and Posters.

The first font I looked at is Merriweather, this is as the style is simple and is the type of font you would tend to see on few websites. It is quite basic, however, the basicality of it is the effect that I’d like to see on my website and possibly my posters.

Another simple font I have looked at is Varela Round, because it is a very clear font to read and has that professional look to it o which you see on multiple photographers and businesses websites. Like the Merriweather font, Varela Round is as well simple but I feel that because of it’s simplicity, that is how it makes webs that bit more professional that that who use Comic Sans MS font just for example as it appears more childlike and a style you would see on fete newsletters/leaflets in opinion.

Looking through the wide range of fonts on a good few of them caught my eye and believe that they would be suitable for a website and posters. The first from this website is because it has a fancy style to it which gives it that more interesting attracting look and it is not too fancy that it is not clear to read. As a result I this font is one of the strongest fonts I’ve seen that I feel would work well on both Posters and a Website.

One other font that drew my attention on the website is as it is a creative basic font. It has that type writing feel which gives another form of professionalism as important documents are sometimes written in this way. Although you would not see most websites and posters using this type of font I feel that it’d make the look of my potential website unique.

Out of the four fonts I have researched both on the Internet and the already built in fonts, the strongest style text I feel I would want on my FMP Website and the posters is Merriweather at this point of time as this font is the clearest and most good looking form of text that would go well and is formal enough to fit a photography based website. My Slide of text and font ideas is linked here


Unilever Website Analysis - Research

The last website I have looked at to help me understand how websites are laid out and the colour schemes is the Unilever website. I’ve analysed this website as it will be useful and will help me consider the layout and colour schemes that I may want to use later on when designing my website.

The layout of this website is simple based on the mobile version of it which makes the website very easy to navigate around. Unilever is a product information website that informs users of all their products they have to offer. The colours work extremely well. They use a blue and white scheme for both the text and the backgrounds which makes the text be read with not much difficulty. I like this scheme they have as the colours go well together and it makes it not too blingy nor too basic which makes the website look much more professional.

Navigation Wise, after I clicked on the menu, which was simply laid out and labelled, a range of different pages came up which once pressed on lead to the stated page of which it was for. I clicked on all the page headers and each one of them navigated to the pages and there did not seem to be any cul-de-sacs present at this time.

There were multiple social media links on both the menu and bottom of the page via the mobile site all of which went to the pages such as Facebook etc once clicked on. There is a large variety of fresh content frequently updated on their website. These piece of content are mainly news like past meetings, reports and the Unilever markets. Within the past month there has been three pieces of new content which means it is updated on a very regular basis. For this website I used Internet Explorer on the phone as did I with Google, both phone versions looked the same for the desktop version of the website did looked different once opened on Mozilla Firefox, however, on most websites the mobile version does differ than the desktop. The difference between both versions were that on the mobile the three lines indicating the menu and on the desktop version the menu header came up in the row.

The Unilever website does include a contacts page which helps if people needed to get in touch with them for whatever their reasons may be. By searching Unilever the pagerank comes up as the first option in Google and even keywords such as Pot Noodle comes up with Unilever although this doesn’t pagerank as well when just this is entered. The things I like about the website are the colour schemes preferably because they complement each other and make the layout seem much clearer than what other colours would. Also the menu I like because it is not fancy and all information is labelled prominently which gives users a better experience with not only the website but the brand/company itself.

One thing I would change about the Unilever website is the text fonts used. This is because on their homepage alone, they have used five different fonts, each different for the logo, header, sub-header, text and banners. What I don’t like about these different fonts is that some sections of text look very proper and formal of which the website should be leaning towards, however, on their homepage at 26/03/2017 is says, ‘A bright future: A better business.’ This is in some font that makes it seem all cheery and comical, I personally think. And because of this I would only use at most two fonts throughout my website to ensure that everything does continue coming along well together and it clear to read and see text and images effectively.

By completing this piece of research I now have a thorough understanding of the different components that make up a website and what colour schemes/layout designs work well on multiple websites that I have researched upon. I did this third analysis on a website because by having done this and went onto all these different layouts I have seen how the majority of websites look and what would work best for me when I come to doing my website during production.

The blue/white colour scheme is the thing I would like to take from this website analysis and use for my own site, but saying this, it doesn’t mean my opinion on the colour schemes I would want to use won’t change at a future date.

Link to Slides here


Web Designer Research

A website designer I chose to research to help me with the web development section of my FMP is Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer is a web designer situated in the Stowmarket area. He has designed dozens of quality websites for small and some larger companies likewise. The website he may have been most know for building is the Glasswells Website, one of east anglia’s largest furniture stores.

Despite having done this for the enterprise he has also developed many websites for much smaller, independent companies. A few examples of the type of websites he has worked on are below.




I think that it is good how the designer creates and builds all these different websites yet they all appear and feel different to one and other. Also I like the way how he uses a range of different colour schemes of which work well with what the sites are promoting, eg Juicy Satsuma has green/orange scheme which gives it that energetic feel for a fun t-shirt print company.

From just browsing the range of websites that Spencer had built I quite like how he uses the logos in the top left corner and a range of options under this for the menu. From this I can take the layouts from these sites I’ve been onto to help me consider the layouts for my final website for my FMP.

As Robert Spencer is a busy web designer it is hard to contact web-professionals, however, out of the chance that he may have replied, I contacted him via email to ask for his advice when it comes to developing my website for the FMP.

I said “Hi, I’m Josh. I am currently on a Media course at Suffolk New College. As part of my Final Major Project for the course I’m planning to create a website to upload a range of photography onto. To do this I will be using It would be really helpful if you could give me a few pointers on how to create the website. If you have any spare time, please could you message me as this would help me with my website research having got advice from a professional. Thank you very much, -Josh.”

Spencer, just under an hour later, responded advising, “Hello, as a professional I advise you not to use WordPress is the web software used by most professionals and it’s at the forefront of technology development. Wix is just a paid tool that allows any user to build a website regardless of skill level!”

By contacting and receiving the advice I wanted in order to help me through my research on the website side of my Photographic project. And what I am likely going to take from the web designer is to use the website WordPress to develop and build my own one, however, I have a good understanding of how to use so it will be a decision I take later to the time of production. This shows that this piece of action research was helpful as I now know what software to avoid and what one to use when coming to complete my website.

Link to RSPENCER Slides here


Website Design Questionnaire Analysis

To see what website design and layout people would like to see bearing in mind it is for photography to be uploaded onto, I created a mock website with a layouts of which I could use at a future date. To do this I used to build a one page web that had a image on title, subtitle, a paragraph of text and a menu. It was a basic web, however, I changed backgrounds and the layout of specific items so I could get a range of different responses that would help me consider which layout is best to consider when I come to develop my actual Nostalgia themed website. I asked this one question, ‘Which layout and background best suites the Nostalgic theme?’ Out of this question three of eight available options were picked from a selection of people of which answered the questionnaire.

The majority had chosen option one, being at 66.7% which had a smooth background and an image spreading across one side of the webpage to the other. Option 1 is below.

Option 1

The second and third option both called in at 16.7% with these being option five and eight. Option eight was probably chosen because it is clear plain and basic and that it would show of photography better than a page which has an attractive background.

As for option five, I believe this was chosen as there would be more space to describe the image itself on the website. Option 5 and 8 are below.

Option 5

Option 8

These results and the peoples responses have helped me research into my FMP this is because I can clearly tell that Option 1’s style will be most appropriate and I shall now consider this questionnaire during the development of my proper website in production.

The questionnaire itself is here

The slides presentation of the different layouts is here


YouTube Tutorial Research

I have watched some online tutorials for how to use Photoshop so that I can use this piece of research to help me when I come to creating a small poster and editing poorer quality images. I watched probably about four plus videos showing me the basics and contrast etc. All the videos I watched to help me with my FMP are below and linked next to what I gained from each source of information.

The first video I viewed was not technically needed to help me with my FMP, however, it had shown me how to create a 3D effect on text of which I could use later on for my FMP if I have any spare time but also which I can use in the future if I were to do this media related things later on. The link to this tutorial can be found here,

Another tutorial I was able to find on YouTube was this,, of what I watched and was able to extract quite a fair bit of information to how to change the contrast and increase of decrease the brightness in order to make images look much more appealing. This helped me with my FMP especially when it came to creating my Small poster for the about section of my website as I was able to use these tutorials to help me create this piece to a higher standard.

The third tutorial on Photoshop I watched taught me how to use layers such as bringing stuff forward so that you can get a good view of what it was you are doing. This helped with the Small poster like the second tutorial did as I was able to change different contrasts on each layer so that ultimately the two images could contrast each other and make a successful piece at the final outcome. The link for this video’s here,

The last tutorial was showing me the basics to how to use Photoshop. It was exploring the different tools within the software of which I have taken how to crop the page and how to use text from so that I can crop my images to a specific width and high etc to fit and stand out on my website more. To this tutorial, links here,


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