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FMP Bibliography

Amateur Photographer (2017). Amateur Photographer Magazine. United Kingdom: Time Inc UK. 81

BBC. (2017). Britain in Focus: A Photographic History. Available: Last accessed 22nd Mar 2017.

Creative Bloq Staff. (2016). 85 brilliant Photoshop tutorials. Available: Last accessed 23rd Mar 2017. (2017). Fonts. Available: Last accessed 15th Apr 2017.

David Hurn (2007). I'm a Real Photographer: Photographs by Keith Arnatt. New York: Chris Boot. 152.

Dear Photograph. (2017). Dear Photograph. Available: Last accessed 5th Apr 2017.

Google Developers. (2017). Google I/O'17: Google Keynote. Available: Last accessed 18th May 2017.

Jason Bell. (2017). Landscapes. Available: Last accessed 30th Mar 2017.

Joe Cornish. (2017). Joe Cornish Photographs. Available: Last accessed 28th Mar 2017.

Josh Johnson. (2010). 100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals. Available: Last accessed 24th Mar 2017.

Joss Barratt. (2017). Portraits. Available: Last accessed 28th Mar 2017.

Photos In Color. (2016). Photoshop Brighten a picture - Brightness, contrast and exposure Tutorial . Available: Last accessed 15th Apr 2017.

Photoshop Tutorials. (2011). Photoshop Tutorial: Tron-Inspired 3D Text . Available: Last accessed 15th Apr 2017.

Rebecca Greig. (2017). Fix colour casts in Photoshop. Available: Last accessed 29th Mar 2017.

Robert Spencer. (2017). Website Design Requirements. Available: Last accessed 29th Mar 2017.

Vice Magazine (2007). The Vice Photo Book. New York: PowerHouse Books, U.S. 336.



Josh Brinkley-Ripper


FMP Idea 1 - Photographic Timeline

One of the Idea’s I have in mind for my Final Major Project is to create an online timeline with a variety of different photo’s and images I feel reflect on positive things that have happened in the past.

To create this, the areas of media that would come into it would be photography, website development, with the use of cameras and Photoshop to take and edit some images.

For this I would take a variety of different pictures that are Nostalgic to me and some images from the internet that also portray nostalgia then upload them onto a website of which I would create. I would include these new images with past images of what happy memories my mother has taken of me whilst young/baby so I can include these past images on my timeline to show how things have changed throughout the years. Included with my images I would throw in some photographs already taken at home so it can truly portray the happy nostalgic memories of the past.

I would take myself and use from the web a variety of images, specifically 18, one for every year since I have been born reflecting from 0 - 17 years all of which would show nostalgia the most for me in that year. Beside each year of my images on the website, I would include at least one photograph or an image to reflect that of my past and a self-explanation of why my image was taken and what the past image was and how they symbolized nostalgia in my eyes.

I would edit the poorer quality images and use graphics and text on the website to put titles on there. After all of my online photographic timeline is complete I would save and publish the website so I can display my life from birth and past and present images that are within it.

To bring the timeline together I would want to use WIX to create the website online it would appear as a timeline paged website so a year a page with the main photo on each one with explanations under them. The following information is what I plan each year's image to be and how it resembles nostalgia.

  • IMAGE 2000

  • My Image - Hospital (Nostalgia Resemblance: I was Born)

  • Image of baby handprints

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2001

  • My Image - Image of baby steps (Nostalgia Resemblance: my first steps)

  • Image to represent 2001 - Brum, early TV show of which I enjoyed

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2002

  • My Image - Milestones (Nostalgia Resemblance: The milestones I have taken at two years of age)

  • Image to represent 2002 - Clarkson St Sign as moved here in 2002

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2003

  • My Image - Use web to find one of Rugby World Cup (Nostalgia Resemblance: I see my Dad the happiest he has ever really seemed so I suppose that is a happy thing)

  • Image to represent 2003

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2004

  • My Image - Needham Lake (Nostalgia Resemblance: Place the family visited many times before)

  • Image of Springfield Nursery of which I started in 2004

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2005

  • My Image - Portrait of Billy (Nostalgia Resemblance: My brother was Born)

  • Image from 2005 of me and Billy smiling at dinner table

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2006

  • Stand-in Image - Blackpool (Nostalgia Resemblance: First Holiday out of East Anglia)

  • Image from 2006 of the Dr Who exhibit in Blackpool

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2007

  • Image - Waterfront (Nostalgia Resemblance: Used to go down there with my Nannie a lot when younger)

  • Image from 2007 of me as a child at birthday party

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2008

  • My Image - Felixstowe (Nostalgia Resemblance: Yet another place that brings nostalgic memories back to me.)

  • Image from 2008 of mum and I at Christchurch Park

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2009

  • Image - Suffolk Leisure Park (Nostalgia Resemblance: First Time I went there and it was quite fun)

  • Image from 2009 of me and Billy under umbrella

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2010

  • My Image - Dr Who related: Daleks (Nostalgia Resemblance: Watching Dr Who always makes me happy and I can reflect on previous episodes which are nostalgic)

  • Image from 2010 of me as a child at Woodbridge

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2011

  • My Image - Christchurch Park (Nostalgia Resemblance: Last time that I remembered the snow laying for more than a day and went sledging)

  • Image from 2011 of me and Billy next to a Dalek in the Ipswich Town Centre

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2012

  • My Image - Foxhall Woods (Nostalgia Resemblance: Foxhall Woods I went a lot after a car boot outside the stadium)

  • Image from 2012 of me and Billy at the Bus Stop

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2013

  • My Image - Somersham (Nostalgia Resemblance: My Auntie and Uncle moved here)

  • Image from 2013 of me at Somersham with Auntie and Uncle

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2014

  • My Image - Coursework (Nostalgia Resemblance: Started GCSE’s and Coursework in this year)

  • Image from 2014 of me as a teenager eating junk food

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2015

  • My Image - Felixstowe (Nostalgia Resemblance: Go there quite a bit and it is a happy place to be)

  • Image from 2015 of me as a teenager standing for a pic on a walk

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2016

  • My Image - A piece of my artwork from GCSE Art & Design (Nostalgia Resemblance: Finished GCSE’s, some of them like art where fun to do)

  • A picture of the Golden Anniversary and an image of mother and I

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

  • IMAGE 2017

  • Image - A L Plate on a Car (Nostalgia Resemblance: Learning to Drive)

  • Image from 2017 of me as a teenager taken at MediaCityUK

  • What these pieces of Nostalgia mean to me

FMP Idea 2 - Nostalgia Documentary and TV Poster

Another Idea for my Final Major Project is to create some sort of Nostalgia related Documentary with two parts, part A a short TV documentary about nostalgia and part B a TV poster to go with the documentary to kind of promote it.

To create this the areas of media that’ll come into it would be photography (for the poster), with use of cameras and Photoshop to take and edit my images. Film (for the documentary), with use of cameras and Premiere Pro to shoot and edit my clips. Animation (for the documentary intro/opening titles), with use of pen and paper and animation suite for hand drawn opening animation. Audio (for the voiceovers), with use of zoom mics and Audition to record and edit my voiceovers.

For this I would begin (in the doc) saying what nostalgia is and what things I find nostalgic before video vox popping a selected amount of people to ask them what they think about when they hear nostalgia and why. I would aim for a three minute length documentary approximately as it could be over or under.

I would start with a teaser type thing exploring nostalgia before cutting to the titles which I want to hand draw and animate so I can use this before the main documentary bit. After this the main section of the documentary will be filmed and at the end would have credits (made with Premiere Pro or Animated) with a voiceover using a zoom mic to record it and put that on my Final Major Project project.

For the poster I would use several different images I feel are nostalgic to me and collage them on a Photoshop canvas and have a creative title in the centre and credits at the bottom with additional text and information at the top.

The final documentary would be completed on Premiere Pro and uploaded to my website. The final TV poster would be completed on Photoshop and uploaded to my website.


  • 20 seconds introduction to my Nostalgia Documentary, eg, “Over the next… I will…”

  • 5 - 10 seconds hand drawn 2D Animation of bubble written ‘Nostalgia’ & by ‘JBR’

  • About 30 second of me rounding up what I will be talking about, and then define in a presenter type way what nostalgia is before saying, “I went out to Ipswich town centre (eg) to find out what nostalgia means to the public…”

  • Mini Interview with People, Q1 What first thought comes into your head when I say nostalgia? Person 1 A’s, P2 A’s, P3 A’s, P4 A’s. Why does nostalgia blah blah blah?

  • Back to me after mini interviews summing up nostalgia and what I think about it

  • Finish with credits scrolling up with voiceover of me saying something along the lines of “I hope you have enjoyed the last (so many minutes) watching my short film/documentary on nostalgia for my Final Major Project at Suffolk New College…”


  • Poster based on the documentary

  • INCL 6 - 8 pictures of objects or landscapes I find nostalgic, I will use these to place around the title to create a kind of mind map effect on what I find nostalgic

  • INCL SNC logo in top left hand corner “A SNC Production…”

  • INCL a bold creative title in the middle centre of the poster

  • INCL credits at the bottom of the page

  • Upload to drive for completion of part B of FMP Project




Throughout my course so far I have enjoy the majority of the subjects that I have covered. Skills such as learning how to film and take photos with a camera I have enjoyed the most, this covers techniques like the rule of thirds, different camera angles such as close-ups, wide shots etc, and how to use these skills in a piece of work. I’ve looked at audio as well by putting pieces of music together using Logic Pro software which I learned how and why the software works as it does and how to cut and adjust the volumes to my sounds on the audio project. Although the end result of my Music Remix I completed was to a good standard, I feel that audio wasn’t quite up my street. Web design was another area of which I enjoyed thoroughly and personally think I excelled at. During this I used to complete the website and learned about the different website layouts by researching others to see how text and images etc are displayed on the web. Out of the range of topics I’ve covered I have decided to base my FMP on photography and web design as these are my strongest areas within meda.

Project Concept

The concept of my Idea is to create a photographic timeline where I will take and use from online 18 photos, one for each year of my life so far and photos that I feel reflect me well as well as looking back through the photo albums and taking in some already taken photos from the past to show my take on nostalgia. To develop my Idea further I would complete a range of research to help me find out how to take out my idea. I would research different font used on similar photography websites and pick and explain why I’ve picked a text that I will research for my website and poster, other research will be of magazines, books and online resources that will aid me throughout my FMP project. From looking at my idea the work I am aiming to produce are a selection of photographs and a creative title as well for a website to put these on. The areas my idea will focus around are Photography and Website Designing and Developing. Although I have a rough idea of what I aim to achieve there will be minor challenges which I will have to overcome along the way, these include things such as taking out a lot of research to help me create a good quality project and learning how to use Photoshop to a higher standard. To overcome this I am going to watch different tutorials online as part of my research to hope to improve my skills and techniques using the software for things such as cutting and erasing an image and canvas.


I am going to evaluate my progress during the final major project by completing a reflection every week throughout the project. My reflection will be very important during the production as I will be able to explain what I have done and accomplished, and what I need to improve upon the following week, it will also show my progression to look back on from start to the finish. I will reflect at least once a week, however, if there are multiple tasks I will aim to complete it multiple times in a week I will reflect after any major sections of work so I do not lose track of what it is I am doing. I will try and get peer feedback during the project and feedback from tutors so I can take what those have said and put it into my work so my project is of a good quality. At the end of the project I will be able to look at my reflection I would have completed so that I can complete an evaluation for my website and other aspects of the project describing things such as my research, pre and post production and feedback of which I’ll get from others.


L2 Media FMP Early Planning

Your name: Josh Brinkley-Ripper

List the top four technical skills you have learnt on this course.

Explain what equipment or software is needed (if applicable).

1 I’ve learnt about filming, by learning this technical skill I have been able to use creative shots while filming and use the rule of thirds during production. Equipment used for filming are a camera and tripod, other equipment can be used such as mic for audio. The software that I have used for the post-production of filming is Adobe Premiere Pro.

2 Another technical skill I’ve learnt is Website development, by learning this technical skill I have produced a website to create this I used the website builder online and include pages such as home, college, and a blog which mostly consist of previous project evaluations.

3 Analysis’ are another useful skill I’ve learnt to analyse future things for whatever I could do next time, plus it is a good so that I can fully show that I understand a subject before actually planning or producing something for an new project.

4 Video editing is also a technical skill I have learnt on this course, by learning this I have been able to cut and edit clips on the Adobe Premiere Pro software and use transitions to change one clip to another to produce good quality edits.

Examples of technical skills:

Video editing

Audio editing


Sound recording

Motion graphics

Graphic design

Script writing


Contextual analysis (RAILING)

Website development

Name two technical skills that you want to develop further.

Explain why (e.g. would you need them in your dream job?)

These could be from the four skills you have already mentioned or not.

1 Photography Techniques - Because I like the angles and uses of the camera plus pictures are everywhere and I like taking photos even though I am not photo expert. I would like, in the future to be involved in something to do with photography as it is one of my interests that I would like to look into further.

2 Film Production - Again similar to above, I like using a camera for multiple purposes but generally to try and use good shots. I also have enjoyed in the past doing the filming projects such as the trailer and it really intrigues me to develop my skills in film further.

List the top three soft skills you have applied on this course.

Explain when and how you used them.

1 Positive Attitude - I have used positive attitude as it verbally helps and can motivate me and this attitude helps me get further in the course it also gets me through to meet my smart targets as I have a positive attitude.

2 Time management abilities - I have these and use this as I like to ensure that I meet deadlines so work at college as for at home to make sure work is finished and completed to my best possible standard.

3 Ability to Accept and Learn From feedback / Criticism - I use these after assessments and take in the feedback so I can use it to improve in future projects on the course and outside of the course too.

Examples of soft skills:

Positive Attitude

Good Communication

Time Management Abilities


Acting as a Team Player


Ability to Accept and Learn From feedback / Criticism


Working Well Under Pressure

Name two soft skills that you need to develop or improve and explain why.

1 Self-confidence - because I am not too confident when speaking in front of a large group of class full of people. Plus I need more confidence in believing that what work I am doing is good quality.

2 Working Well Under Pressure - because I get too tense and an worry too much when a lot of pressure is involved. But also it is easy to get confused when too much pressure is involved in a project.

Create a mood board on your personal take on “nostalgia”:

Suffolk New College School of Creative Arts

UAL Level 2 Diploma in Creative Media Production and Technology

Unit 8: Personal project and presentation in creative media production

Final Major Project 2017

Centre name and number

Suffolk New College 19231

Candidate name and student number

Josh Brinkley-Ripper stu-301009

Project title

Nostalgia FMP (Photographic Timeline)

Main pathway

Photography, Web Design and Development

FMP Tutor

Eli Turay

Date Issued: 01/03/17 DEADLINE: 12/05/17



Unit 8: Developing a Creative Media Production Project

Click here for full unit criteria.

Aim of the unit: To provide you with the opportunity to make use of the skills, knowledge and understanding developed through the previous units to complete a creative media project.

Grading: This unit will be graded Pass, Merit or Distinction. If you don’t provide enough evidence to meet all the assessment criteria you will refer. You will have one opportunity to redeem the referral and you will only be able to achieve a pass.

Click here to see the grading criteria in detail.

Project requirements




Project Proposal



Research - ongoing



Completed practical work



Evaluation and Bibliography



Link your FMP Initial Ideas Sheet here

Complete your FMP targets

Current Grade:


Target Grade:


Using your feedback from the February assessment list three targets to work towards over the next eleven weeks;

1. Make sure your research is more widespread and sustained

2. Use Media terminology more in Reflective Entry & Written work

3. More detail to the actual learning being done

Initial Research Sources and Influences

Use the tables on the following pages to help plan what research sources you are going to use in your project. You can include links to the sources and don’t forget to add them to your bibliography. You need to justify your reasons for selecting the examples and say how they might influence your final project.

List three media influences that have inspired you and your work.

State why they have influence you and your work.

Doctor Who (Extra)

This has influenced me as it is not just the television show, and is a range of different media such as posters, books and film, plus I have watched the show and the behind scenes to get a better knowledge of the media going on.

007 DVD covers

It’s not that specific, but the detail that goes into creating the 007 DVD covers inspire me as the way they appear after editing and having to make the product seem presentable and the image and graphics have to promote the DVD to be sold which I find interesting as it involves photography and graphic design in one plus the covers are quite interesting to look at such as Spectre.


These influence me because they all are created by taking photos merging some together and then editing on a software. I’m also interested by the process it takes to get to those final posters that you see at bus stops, shop windows etc.

List three individuals that have inspired you and your work. They could be a director/photographer/animator/etc.

State why they have influence you and your work.

Joss Barratt - Still Photographer

Joss has influenced me and my work as after coming into college and sharing what he had done and accomplished with the class it makes me work towards something possible.

Uncle Fred - Photographer

My uncle is probably one of the many reasons I enjoy photography and take an interest to photos, he usually has taken photo’s of celebrations eg weddings etc, however, listening to him go on about his work really has interested me in photography.

Joe Cornish - Landscape Photographer

Joe Cornish has influenced my work as he specializes in landscape photography which I like and would want to take images like this because they catch people’s attention.

List three books or magazines that could help your research.

How will these help your project?

Amateur Photographers Magazine

I can look through this magazine to pick up on styles of photography and take them from here to use in inspiration so I can take my own photos in this style.

Digital Photographer Magazine

I can look through this magazine to find new ways to do photography and take them from here to use in inspiration so I can take my own photos in this style.

I’m a Real Photographer Keith Arnatt

I can look through this book to pick up on the photographers styles of photography and scan them onto my drive for later use and analysis of why I like them and how I can use them later on for my FMP. I can also take them from here to use in inspiration so I can take my own photos in this style.

List five websites that could help your research.

How will these help your project?

This website will help me create my project as I can look at this website to reflect on what styles of photography there are and get a wider knowledge of photography.

This website has online resources and a whole section related to photography skills which will be able to influence me, there is a section on their page which I feel I want to create myself for the project title ‘Photographic Timeline’ in the style to the left.

← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

This website will help me a great deal as it offers 100 helpful photography tutorials which helps you understand composition and suggests different styles you could use to take your photos.

This website will help me as it shows a photographers work in portraits which for part of my timeline recreations i will want to use.

This website will help me on my project as it offers tutorials and tips on how to use Photoshop for graphics etc which will help me when it comes to adding graphics onto a image.

List three primary research methods you could use.

How will these help your project?


By using a questionnaire I will be able to reflect on the answers people put to judge whether the project could thrive or not.


I could use a simple poll so I can get a statistical result back which will either suggest to me to do something for the FMP onto it or not.


I could interview some people to find out what I could do and what the people’s preferred choice of media project would be.

Initial ideas

Fill in the table below listing three initial ideas.

Describe briefly how you would develop each idea from the research to a final product. Also describe the appropriate media and the target audience.

Further Detail of my Idea are here

List three ideas for your Final Major Project and how they link to your Nostalgia theme.

What techniques, materials and media format will you use? How will you develop your idea from research to final product? How will you present your final product?

Nostalgia Photographic Timeline

A Photographic Timeline where I’ll take 18 photos, one for each year of my life so far and take photos that I feel reflect me well as well as throwing in some already taken photos from the past to show my take on nostalgia. I would edit and add graphics to a website of which I would upload the images onto and make a range of 18 images and a project title poster for an ‘about’ page on the website. After this I would at the end create a webpage wix or wordpress website to display my final major project photos in a gallery or slideshow. I’d put in small at the bottom of each image and in the description on the website with an explanation to say how it’s nostalgic and resembles good times in my past. The title page will consist of past photos and objects related to nostalgia from my past and I will create an intro/ lightbox for users to view before they enter the website. Under this I will in usual font I will have an introduction to my website saying why I would have done that in text under the title.


A mini-documentary exploring what others think of nostalgia and what nostalgia actually is. I would use images in the documentary to show some takes on nostalgia. To use a more of a variety of skills, I would also include a voiceover in the background at the end credits to thank in a way the audience or those listening also to cram additional nostalgia related content within the documentary. Furthermore I would do a 5-10 second hand drawn animation for opening titles and edit all the documentary on Adobe Premiere Pro.

Interactive Poster

An online poster with multiple images collaged on it to reflect the past with explanations, graphics and text in spaces where photos are not present. Once a user clicks on a specific image on this poster an audio recording pop-up will be displayed exploring how this image is nostalgic and why it was used. The images will all be edited using Photoshop and I will link the editing process of these in the document to show others how the FMP was created to show of the media related skills used for the project.

Choose one idea from the three you have listed and write it up as your proposal.

Proposal - Sections 1-3


Rationale (approx 100 words)

Project Concept – Nostalgia themed (approx 200 words)

Evaluation (approx 50 words)

Project Action Plan and timeline - Section 4

Week number

Week commencing

What you plan to do in that week (give as much detail as possible)

Week 1


Get my Initial Ideas and Proposal written up

Complete research using inspirations and resources above

Week 2


Research Workbook + Proposal Finished + Create a presentation to show off what you will be doing

Week 3


Carry out more research based on the Photography of my project and develop my ideas further to get more of an idea of what to do. Do some experiment shots and write up how these will help you.

Week 4


Carry out more research based on the Website of my project and develop my ideas further to get more of an idea of what to do. Do some experiment shots and play about on wix and write how it helps.

Week 5


Start Pre-Production, get half at least complete by end of this week.

Location finders, call sheets, risk assessments and the rest.

Week 6


Finish Pre-Production, get all locations, risks and the rest etc complete by the end of this week.

Week 7


Carry out a recce, have a wander around take a camera and take additional test shots in this week and explain why you have taken them ready for production. Start production from home to keep track of time, create your template on

Week 8


Take all the images you need this week and gather objects you’ll need to use to take your images. Images will be taking around Ipswich and at Home. Peer evaluation.

Week 9


Edit your photos, add text/graphics to them etc using Photoshop in a mac room.

Week 10


Upload photos to website arrange them and add your descriptions and finalize website. Write comparisons to websites with mine.

Week 11


Any extra bits, Tuesday, ensure post-production is done, Wednesday, complete complete evaluation, Thursday ensure evaluation and reflection is done, Friday, final touches and then hand it all in at 5pm 12.05.2017.

Hand in at 5pm on 12.05.2017

What pre-production paperwork will you be doing? Make it relevant to the project and the specific Media industry, for example Storyboards, Risk Assessments etc.

Project Proposal Approval

This section will be filled in by one of your tutors

Project proposal submitted on


Reviewed by

Eli Turay

Approved or referred?


If rejected what does the student need to do and by when?

Date of re-submission

Approved or rejected?

Grade suggested for proposal


Internal verified by

All my Primary/Secondary/Action Research is on here


Primary research

Your questionnaire/interviews/etc. response(s) should be added to appendix 1. Use this space to write a summary of your results from your primary research, and to link your actual responses

Click above at ‘here’

By doing some primary research I have found out the type of website layout people would like and also what free online software to use while creating my website from a web designer. Also by the responses from my questionnaire I have found that landscape photography would interest people more than what a portrait would.

Secondary research

Use this space to write a summary of your findings from your secondary research and also to link your research

Click above at ‘here’

From completing a range of secondary research based on websites and photography I have taken some useful information out from this, such as what websites should include on them and what images I have found inspirational and will help me through the FMP taking images.

How are you using your research?

What KEY piece or research did you find?

What did you do with it?

How has it helped you with your project?

By doing action research I have found out that I should use for a more professional looking website.

I have visited the wordpress website to see how it works to familiarize myself with it so I can use it later on for my FMP.

I can consider using wordpress instead of wix when I come to creating my website.

Another key piece of research I have found is that by doing primary research I found that more people would rather see landscape photography than portrait.

With this piece of research I was able to identify what images that people would like to see for my initial idea. Also I completed a small Recce up Somersham to see how the landscape images would look like based on others advice.

This piece of research has helped me with my project because I will be able to go out and complete recce’s and the actual photographs for my project based on the responses of my questionnaire.

I researched two black and white posters, one of The Beatles and one of a Landscape. I found that the way the photographer used black and white effect on the posters gave it an older and more unique effect.

As I complete a recce on my phone just of rough pictures taken in Somersham. With these images I made a couple black and white to see what effect they would have based on my research.

This has helped me with my research as I will now be able to create a black and white image having now knowing what it will do and how it will affect the image to make it seem much better.

I found by completing a questionnaire that more people would prefer a simple web design with content laid out clearly that several banners and content all over the place on a website.

I completed a mock website for my FMP to get more experience with the software but to also create this simple layout so I can use this mock web as a guideline later on.

This has helped me with my project as I can now go back onto that mock website for self inspiration and guidance on how and what to do with the website that I will soon be creating for my FMP.

Research comparisons

Using two examples from the table above complete the table below.

Research Source - including link or URL

What do they have in common (approx 150 words)

How are they different

(approx 150 words)

Secondary/Action research on Web Designer Robert Spencer my research &

Both of these pieces of research have several resourceful things in common. An example of this is that the Web Designer and Questionnaire both gave me feedback such as on the layouts of the website by viewing some of Spencer's websites of which he built and based on the responses on how I should lay out my website. Another similarity between both the sources is that I was able to gain more of a knowledge of what the typical website looks like by exploring the glasswells and juicy satsuma website to see what his websites appeared like and what my website should look like based on the similarity between my mock website and the professionals ones. Also what they should all include such as the menu’s and the social media links to other webpages.

Despite these pieces of research both give similar values they are very different research-wise. This is because I got direct advice from the web designer on the online software I should use to create my website on to make it look more professional and the questionnaire just focus’ on what the layout of the website could look like.

Another difference is that the Robert Spencer research was secondary where I browsed his website to gain information from him and based on his style of work whereas the questionnaire was primary research of which I asked the question and gained information based on what other people had said and advised me to do and how to do it for my FMP.

Primary Research using Questionnaire my question on website layouts

For planning/ production/ annotated slides etc, the links to all are on here


  • Explain the process you have gone through to produce your media product and how it has been presented

  • Use screenshots and photos to help explain the process.

  • If working in a group explain what your role was and how it helped the final project.

  • Make sure all pre-production paperwork is completed and saved onto your google drive.

  • You can use links to the work to help explain your process.




Reflective statements

As you progress through the project you should reflect each week on how each part that you complete and reflect on feedback that you receive.

Link your Reflective Journal here

All evaluation and process annotations are in the Evaluation section here


Assess your finished project against the agreed project proposal.

Link your Evaluation here

Final Bibliography

Link your list of research sources here

Peer Feedback

You will receive peer feedback throughout the project. Make sure you reflect on this comments in your reflective statements

Peer Feedback 1 (FMP Proposal - Week Two)

I think that your idea has a lot of potential and it could be very interesting to the audience that you are targeting. It is a very creative and unique idea. You could research into ways to display this information on a website so it looks better. You will need to give information about the events in each year of your intended proposal.

Peer Feedback 2 (FMP Research & Planning - Week Five)

You have done more than enough research with a good level of detail in each piece. This is all backed up with large amounts of planning for each piece, along with your website planning.

Make sure to use your research when you do the production part of your project.

Keep going the way you are and you will definitely achieve a distinction.

Peer Feedback 3 (FMP Practical Work Hand-In - Week Ten)

I like your practical work. Your website works well and I could easily get to other pages like your about and contact page. The intro thing you had at the start of the page was good to have before the actual website as you are showing more skills in different areas of media than just a simple website. I would have the layout different in some pages so that people don’t get bored of it.

Tutor Feedback

Formative feedback

You will receive formative feedback throughout the project. Make sure you reflect on this comments in your reflective statements

Tutor Feedback 1 (FMP Proposal - Week Two)

Tutor Feedback 2 (FMP Research & Planning - Week Five)

The feedback I had was to complete the research boxes on page 10 within my workbook and to complete peer feedback reflections on the page above. I go to improving the areas of which I got feedback on and a target I am going to set myself based on my second tutor feedback is to ensure all my work eg research pre/post/production is completed in accordance with my action plan so I do not fall behind on the FMP. Positive feedback of which I received was that the range of secondary research I had completed was brilliant and that I had made great use of research that I can directly support my development of my website and to help with this to carry out tests with the information found.

Tutor Feedback 3 (FMP Practical Work Hand-In - Week Ten)

I was given feedback to ensure that I have completed my bibliography in the Harvard Referencing format so I can referenced all books and websites properly. I was also given advice to make sure my work is easy to find so that people looking through my work can find information without difficulty. I completed a master document ‘FMP Links’ of which links all the work for my FMP on just one document. A positive piece of feedback was that I have annotated all my work to a good standard showing the processes and steps I have taken to get me where I was now.

Summative Feedback

Link to unit 8 assessment sheet

Appendix 1 - Primary research responses

In this section list the questions that you asked in your primary research and add all the responses from your questions.

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