Ideas and Script for Radio Advert
My Initial Ideas for Radio Advert
Idea 1 - Courses Available to You
SLOGAN- Whatever you want to do - we’ve got it!
WHAT IS IS ABOUT? - The Various courses available and offered in the College.
HOW WILL YOU PROMOTE THE AD? - Ask multiple people vox pops and use a short intro to summarize and get across that there are a range of courses to chose from.
WILL IT BE HUMOUR/SERIOUS? - Serious questions and the way in which I speak as it is a kind of short documentary about courses and those giving answers will give more useful answers if you ask them in a serious kind of manner.
WHO ARE THE TARGET AUDIENCE? - The purpose of this Idea and advert is to explore the types of courses and experiences on offer to those thinking about coming to College. So the target audience would be those leaving school and/ or wanting further education.
Idea 2 - The Environment of College
SLOGAN - Good environments = Great potential!
WHAT IS IS ABOUT? - The environment of the College and is it a fun place to learn in, is it friendly, helpful etc. And benefits of a good environment.
HOW WILL YOU PROMOTE THE AD? - Ask multiple people vox pops and ask them their opinions on the College for example do they find it a friendly environment and place or are they people their to help you with issues you might want to raise.
WILL IT BE HUMOUR/SERIOUS? - Mid-Humourous question, like asking questions about people's feelings towards the environment of the College. General speech how I would normally speech eg ‘What’s your thought on the environment of the College, do you reckon people can fit in easily?’
WHO ARE THE TARGET AUDIENCE? - The purpose is to discover people's thoughts on the environment of the College. So the target audience can be aimed at anyone, students, staff and parents/carers.
Idea 3 - Benefits for going College
SLOGAN - Think about your future - Start here!
WHAT IS IS ABOUT? - The benefits of going to College.
HOW WILL YOU PROMOTE THE AD? - Ask people why they came to College. Vox pops on whether it was for further use in careers or out of interest or just something to do and achieve upon.
WILL IT BE HUMOUR/SERIOUS? - Serious questions asked as were trying to establish why you should go College and how it can help you in the future if you have those extra grades bagged from College.
WHO ARE THE TARGET AUDIENCE? - The purpose is to see how College has and might benefit those in the future. The target audience will be aimed at present students and future students who might want to gather knowledge and know why you go to College and the benefits of going to College.
Script For Radio Advert
Music: Calm smooth instrumental “” a short section of this.
TITLE: Courses Available to You
SLOGAN: Whatever you want to do - we’ve got it!
My Voice: At Suffolk New College we have a range of different courses to develop your skills in a specific area and get you great grades once the duration of the course has finished.
(Vox Pops)
My Voice: What do you think about the wide range of courses that the College has to offer?
Staff 1: ANSWERS
Student 1: ANSWERS
Staff 2: ANSWERS
This will get the message across as it will show people's thoughts and opinions on the range of courses at SNC.
My Voice: Why do you think it is essential for the College to have a large variety of Course to offer?
Staff 1: ANSWERS
Student 1: ANSWERS
Staff 2: ANSWERS
(Short Pause)
My Voice: (Sounds Persuasive and Enthusiastic) So why not consider coming to Suffolk New College, the list of courses we offer goes on and on...
The enthusiasm in the voice is good as it will make people think it is a great place to go as the message is processed in their heads.
(Slogan) ...Whatever you want to do - we’ve got it!
Slogan will gives listeners the message that SNC is right for any course, basically informs them that there is a lot to choose from.
Music: The Music instrumental “” starts to fade out as the Radio Advert comes to a close
Radio Advert Duration: 1 Minute
Josh Brinkley-Ripper
It is essential that a wide variety of courses are available for students to select. This is so they get the best opportunity in the right course they might use and develop in the future.
Having spoke to numerous people about the variety of courses available for those wanting further education, here are just a few answers the students and staff of the College had to say about this.