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Film Poster Evaluation AND Film Trailer Evaluation AND Film Track Evaluation


Before I started my film poster I analysed five different film posters some portrait and others unit stills and all different genres of film too. I learned the two different types of poster eg still and portrait and how to make posters look much more dramatic on Photoshop. To prepare for the film poster, I had written a poster shoot plan and a short annotated slideshow of a few poster ideas I would have liked to have based my own on.

I researched a couple of still photographers as well identifying the different genres and stylistics each of them had. After completing this bit of research I came to understand how photographers get actors to pose etc so they can get a clear shot for further usage.

After the poster shoot plan and poster ideas had developed, for the film trailer my group and I went to shoot in Kesgrave forestry areas. During shooting I stopped to take a unit still of the main character portrayed in the film trailer so that I have a wide shot image of the character with his back to the camera.

I started to create my film poster the next photography session. I had to download my image I had taken and put on the drive onto my documents before starting to edit the image. When the image loaded I imported it into Photoshop ready to edit it. My original intention was to have a portrait poster, however, when I was out shooting I decided that a wide landscape image would suit the genre of the film better, that is when I came to create a billboard style poster. The poster (seen below) had the main character in the centre and forestry/ wilderness surrounding him which gives that dramatic type of effect.

After the poster was adjusted to suit the style of film poster I wanted to produce I started to add a bold title and subtitle either side of the main character. The text’s font was very bold and adventurous in the sense that it worked very well with the poster, I used a dark red shadow to give it more depth and made the colour a little grey to give it an unsteady feel to it.

The BBFC rating I attached to the bottom right hand corner so other knew what age rating the film would be suitable for. In addition to this I place in some credits and a small piece of text saying ‘coming soon’ to give it that extra bit of power to promote the film.

Once all the key features were arrange on Photoshop, I exported it both as a Photoshop Document so it could be looked back and edited in the future plus a JPEG Image to be uploaded to the drive and onto my website. After I exported my project I did upload it to the Google Drive and had some peer feedback to see what they thought I could work on.

Went Well - You have made the style of the poster look very effective because of the way you have laid out your text. The boldness of your text really tells me what to expect like it shows me that it will be dramatic.

To Improve - Maybe make the text a darker colour to give a more tense feel to it so it shows off a bit more of the drama and what to expect in a film.

I think me taking the actual image would have been my strongest point whilst creating the film poster, this is because the wide shot cut down from the top and bottom a little is the main effect that your eyes are drawn to when you see the poster. Although I say this, I think that my font of choice was wise as it portrayed the film finely.

I found the film poster section of the whole project eg trailer, audio track, the easiest and fun despite this, I did struggle to find a suitable font to begin with to go with the original image. If I were to create a second film poster I would be more inventive and play about with the light and contrast to see whether this would change the feel of the film poster I produced.




Film Trailer Evaluation

The length of my trailer is 1 minute and 20 seconds exactly long. It is a typical film trailer length suited for cinemas, theaters etc. There’s a few used of narrative in the trailer mostly using text within shots to explore the character’s backstory and what the character is doing. This is why ‘to follow in his father’s footsteps’ text is used after the visual of the letter as it explains that the character is doing thing because of the contents within the letter.

The genres is Drama. By watching the trailer you instantly know it is drama as the mood of the film is a bit suspense as you get the character look behind himself scared and standing looking down on the land on top of a hill. You would not get such thing in a horror or comedy as the tet and shots in the trailer portray the genre very well. In the trailer there is no specific release date in it, despite this it opens with ‘In 2017’ and ends with ‘coming soon’ so you can tell that it will be out in cinemas before the end of that year for sure.

The talent is shown towards the end of the trailer where a shot of the main character comes up with the actors name starring as that character appears in text form beneath him. The last thing of the trailer seen is the writer’s name and the director’s who participated in the maining of the film trailer. The visuals are quite strong in my opinion as there are a great range of shots including a close up of the characters face turning which is the highlight of the piece of drama present within the film. The audio also was quite strong as it fitted very well with the mood of the shots and gave it more suspense and the some of the shots are cut to the beat creatively.

There are no voiceovers in the film trailer, however, we did record them but they did not seem realistic enough to use and therefore I didn’t as the film trailer would have sounded more comedic than it really should be. There are multiple uses of graphics in the trailer though, these include descriptions of what happens and people involved along with the title and release dates etc.

The trailer I think does advertise the film as it strongly shows how the drama is and what it is about and advertises the key components and the character present in the film. It works as a campaign alongside my film poster as one of the shots are very similar to the image on the poster as is the text used, as a result they work together to kind of promote the film.

The production I think has been quite good, the camera shots and use of location made it interesting to be more creative due to the large amount of space we could used eg forest for most of the scenes. It could be stronger with use of the voiceovers along with the graphics text that appears frequently in the trailer, however, due to the outcome they were not used as part of the film trailer.

I played a few roles during the production of the film trailer. One of my roles was being behind the camera filming the trailer of and on sharing this position with others in my group. Another role I did was directing some shots giving additional ideas to how the shots could be more creative, characters position etc. The process taken to get to the production point were many pieces of pre-production of which all as a group worked on.

During production we had to travel to the location to be able to film there and collect all piece of equipment and use them when we most needed to Our pre-production helped the group create the shots for the trailer and other bits. This is as we had location finders planned so we knew where we were going to shoot as well for having a storyboard drew up so we could figure out what was going to happen and what procedures we would take while on location filming the film trailer.

The area I feel worked well in the trailer was the used of shots used, this is because most of the shot appeared to seem very creative to get across the true purpose of the film, and get others knowing the genre (drama) of the film. To improve, I could have used additional characters to give the wilderness more effect while filming, but ultimately, more sound effects and usable voiceovers would have made the trailer ten times better.

Peer Feedback of what went well: There is a solid storyline of which is easy to follow in most cases. You can tell their trailer is drama, not only as it says it during some of the text graphics but the drama is seen and is somewhat clear just by seeing the shots. The release date of the film was specified which was good so people know when it will be out. The shots are quite powerful and the violin in the audio adds a lot of tension to the scene. The font style suits the drama very well as it brings more of a sense to what is happening.

Peer Feedback of what to improve: Try and use dialogue and voiceovers within the trailer as this would be useful to know what is going on. Although the audio and music suits the trailer, it may be a little loud. To make the audio music seem better cut to the beat and rhythm more. The text style was very good and interesting, to improve the title make it less bold as it is a drama so it doesn’t need to be flashy.

Josh Brinkley-Ripper


For the Film Trailer project, one of the tasks I had to works towards was to create an audio track suited for my genre of film trailer chosen. To being with I analysed a selection of film trailers and followed the sound and music used in them, by doing this I learned how sound effects were used to help display the theme and get to explore more of the genre of the trailer just by their uses of sound.

The software used to create the audio track was Logic Pro X. Having had experience with Logic Pro 9 when I created my music remix, I transferred these skills into X and with a little guidance at first began to make my Audio Track. During producing the track, I used both loops and one use of the virtual synthesizer to create sounds and music. Despite creating my own bass using the virtual synthesizer, I later decided not to use it as it did not give that extra bit of power to the track.

I opened up and used a variety of loops and made sure they portrayed the genre and theme of film trailer of which I wanted to create. I arranged the sounds and all the loops eventually came together as I cut parts of audio off of them and fixed the loops in time with the beat. I had done this to ensure that the sound did not cut of jolt so the audio track as a whole flowed nicely. Once I had fully finished my audio track on Logic Pro X, I bounced my work onto my documents and uploaded it to the Google Drive so it could be easily accessible by myself and others.

I believe that I did a good job ensuring that the sounds were appropriate and went well with each other. This is as they all seemed to flow very well did not get off beat as they were all in time with each other. The sound I thought seemed to contrast each other, and just by listening to each one thoroughly a good few times I could easily tell they were appropriate for the audio track and they gave that tense dramatic feel.

Although most of the audio track went well, I do not feel that there were many sounds used to ultimately show off the genre of the film trailer well enough, I admit that it was quite basic, however, the sounds included did work to my satisfaction but not as much as I was hoping it to be. This is solely because of the lack of sounds used and the start where all the sounds suddenly come on together.

Overall, with exception of lacking sounds I think the Audio Track was done to an okay standard but not the best I reckon I could have completed yet the sounds used did go well and after listened to gave a good sense of what the film trailer is about.

I think completing the audio track was for myself the most challenging part of the project, it is with audio that I find the hardest out of the film trailer and film poster sections in addition to this. The most challenging part for me was attempting to use my own sounds in the Logic Pro software as they did not turn out too good therefore stumped me to know what to do further when adding other sounds such as loops to my own.

The research taken before completing the audio track was a few analysis’s of sound and music in film trailers and a plan of the sound effects I wanted to use in the track.

If I were to repeat this task I would definitely use many more loops and extend the total length of the audio track to ensure it is powerful enough to fully portray the theme of the film trailer.

Positive Feedback - The few sounds you have used are okay as they do go well with each other. The crashing sound is nice because it gives a good drama feeling.

To Improve - The sounds you’ve used are a bit bland and simple so try and add more to it to make your sounds sound better so your audio track can improve.


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